Let us deliver your message in a song.
They Will Never Forget
We have many characters to choose from.

Crazy Bubba
The Singing Hillbilly
The Most Popular Hillbilly In The Metroplex
Crazy Bubba gets noticed where ever he goes. He is our most popular character by far. Armed with his "room-temperature" IQ, Bubba can make any event seem special. He will deliver your message "Hillbilly" style.
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The Gorilla
Big and hairy with a pink Tutu
Singing Gorilla
He's big and hairy and he will deliver your message "gorilla-style". Just imagine the look on the recipient's face when they see this thing walking toward them. Don't forget to take pictures. It's not every day that you see a gorilla on the loose.
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The Chicken
Straight from the farm to your celebration
The Singing Chicken
Big and yellow best describes this chicken. He also sings, and he will deliver your message "Chicken-Style." Our Chicken never lays an egg, he is a professional chicken who crosses the road whenever he wants to.
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Bubba Pimp
King of the night-life
Bubba Pimp
Yep, it's Crazy Bubba again, this time he's all dressed up and ready to party. Bubba spends most of his time at city hall, bailing someone out of jail. Don't worry, Bubba Pimp keeps the performance "G" rated.
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The Singing Wizard
Complete with a magic wand
The Singing Wizard
He has been known to do a magic trick or two while delivering his singing telegram. If you like magic, you'll like our singing wizard.
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Bubba the Clown
A real clown wanna-a-bee from the circus
Bubba the Clown
The circus had to let Bubba go when they discovered he was selling corn-cob pipes on the side. Bubba the clown now roams the Dallas Fort Worth area looking for birthday parties and anniversaries. Don't be surprised if he shows up with a balloon animal or two.
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The Grim Reaper
It's much later than you think
The Grim Reaper
He is the perfect choice for those milestone celebrations, such as the 40th, 50th, and 60th birthdays, etc, or Anniversaries. Or just whenever you want to embarrass someone about getting older.
A retirement party? Sure, why not?
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Checkers the Magician
Yep, a real magician
Checkers the Magician
Not only can he perform a magic trick or two, but he can sing. Let Checkers the Magician deliver your message.
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